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What's going on?


Beige Minimalist 2024 Calendar Planner (2).png


20: Penguin Awareness Day.

21: World Snow Day.

      Squirrel Appreciation Day.

26: World Environmental Education Day.

28: World CO2 emissions reduction day.



2: World wetlands Day.

3: International Straw Free

11: InternationalDay of Women and Girls in Science.

14: World Energy Day.

21:International Day for the Protection of the World's Bears.

1: World Recycler Day.

5:  World Energy Efficiency Day.   

14: International Day of Action for Rivers.

21: International Day of Forests.

22: World Water Day.

23: Earth Hour.

26: World Meteorological Day


7: World Health Day.

19: Biotermica anniversary.

22: International Earth Day.

25: World Penguin Day.

28: International Amphibian Conservation Day


4: International Wildfire Fighters Day.

9:  International Bird Day.   

11: International Migratory Bird Day.

17: World Recycling Day.

20: World Bee Day.

22: International Day of Biological Diversity.

31: World No Tobacco Day.


3: World bicycle Day.

5: World Environment Day.

8: World Oceans Day.

17: World Day to Fight Desertification and Drought.

26: International Day for the Conservation of Tropical Forests.


3: International Plastic Bag Free Day

7: Soil Conservation Day

21: World Dog Day.

23: World Whale and Dolphin Day.

26: International Mangrove Defense Day.

28: World Nature Conservation Day


7: International Day of Clean Air for the blue skies.

16: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

22: World Car Free Day.

26: World Maritime Day.

       World Environmental Health Day

29: International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and waste .



8: International Cat Day.

9: International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples.

18: World Wildfire Prevention Day.

29: International Day against Nuclear Tests.

30: International Whale Shark Day.

4: World Animal Day.

7: World Habitat Day.

13: International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction.

14: World Day of migratory birds.

       World Electronic Waste Reduction Day.

21: World Energy Saving Day.

24: International Day against Climate Change


1: World Ecology Day.

6: InternationalDay for Preventing the 

Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict.

10: World Science Day for Peace and Development.

21: World Fishing Day.

26: World Day against the Indiscriminate Use of Agrochemicals.

29: International Jaguar Day.

30: Buy Nothing Day.


3: Global No Pesticides Use Day.

5: World Soil Day.

10: Human Rights Day

       International Animal Rights Day

11: International Mountain Day.

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